The following is an inventory of the bladework attacks for sabre used in the 3 sections in Christiaan Siebenhaar's Dutch Method sabre curriculum, incoporating 24 lessons (Reinier van Nort's translation). To make the wording easier to understand in the translation, the word "cut" has been substituted for Siebenhaar's translated term "strike" and other simplifications have been made to the wording. The actions in the lessons have been grouped and categorized first by simple or compound attack, second among the compound attacks by number of tempos in their execution, and finally grouped within these categories by the commonality of the order of the actions starting with the first action, and finally by the direction of the first action. These attacks are delivered on the lunge or from the guard position.
Simple attacks:
- Head cut.
- Cut to the left cheek.
- Cut to the right cheek.
- Cut to the right thigh.
- Belly cut.
- Cut to the right foot.
Compound attacks in two tempos:
- Feint head cut, head cut.
- Feint head cut, cut to the right thigh.
- Feint cut to the left cheek, cut to the right cheek.
- Feint cut to the left cheek, cut to the right side.
- Feint cut to the left cheek, cut to the right thigh.
- Feint cut to the right cheek, belly cut.
- Feint cut under the arm, head cut.
- Feint cut to the left thigh, cut to the right thigh.
- Feint cut to the right thigh, head cut.
- Feint belly cut, cut to the right side.
- Feint thrust to the belly, head cut.
Compound attacks in three tempos:
- Feint head cut, feint cut to the right side, belly cut.
- Feint cut to the right cheek, feint cut to the left cheek, cut to the right thigh.
- Feint cut to the right cheek, feint cut to the left cheek, cut to the arm.
- Feint cut to the right cheek, feint cut to the right thigh, head cut.
- Feint cut to the left cheek, feint cut to the right cheek, belly cut.
- Feint cut to the left cheek, feint cut to the side, head cut.
- Feint cut under the arm, feint head cut, cut to the right thigh.
- Feint cut to the belly, feint cut to the right side, head cut.
- Feint thrust to the belly, feint head cut, thrust to the belly.
- Feint thruist to the left, feint thrust to the right, thrust to the left.
Compound attacks in four tempos:
- Feint cut to the right cheek, feint cut to the left cheek, feint cut to the side, head cut.
- Feint belly cut, feint cut to the right side, feint head cut, cut to the right thigh.